Timothy's Too Jello Wrestling

Jello Wrestling began at Timothy's Too on Labor Day, 1981.
Up to that time, Monday Nights had been Mud Wrestling, but on this weekend, as we were setting up the pit, we brought out the two barrels of mud and began to gag, the entire club began to smell like Boston Harbor at low tide.

Since it was labor day weekend, we were unable to find what we needed to to make up a batch of fresh mud so Timmy, Dave Cherbuk and I pondered what to do. Down stairs in Jessica's, Timmy had a couple of 5 gallon buckets of Gelatin powder, so we cleaned out a couple trash barrels and started mixing. The rest is history.

There was one night we had a couple women's libbers from Framingham State show up looking to cause a problem.
They started in on two of the wrestlers and unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong two. The jello was fresh, very cold and very deep.
They also became the unitentional first match of the night when the wrestlers threw them into the jello instead of me and had to walk back to the dorms covered with green Jello

Timmy's Jello show went on the road to Club 777 in Manchester NH, A club who's name I've forgotten in RI and the Big Boston Herald Jello Grudge Match at the Channel in Boston Between WCOZ DJ's Carla Leonardo and Harvey Warfield in February 1982. We were also featured twice nationally on the "Real People Show", another I've since forgotten and locally on "Five all night" (channel 5)


Emmcee Burt Wilkinson and Referee Ken Ross, Doing the customery shot before the first match. The DJ back then was named Sam Mercurio, he used to be on stage, but was moved to a safer location after the turntables got covered with very soupy jello the first match of the first night.
This was from March 1982, After I had broken my thumb at the big WCOZ grudge match. It might have been one of the few times the girls didn't try to drag me in with them

The Wrestler on top is Mighty Michelle M******* & Carla I**********.
She's a 4 ft 10 inch tall ball of energy and usually put up a hell of a fight every time she got in the pit

Part of the fun the girls used to have was pulling the ref in with them.
This was the first time, A couple wrestlers named Little debbie and Line-za. They were scheduled to wrestle but we ran out of time,
so not to be denied they dragged me across the nasty floor and into the pit we went

Falling flat on my ass.. That stuff was slippery

Thank god the jello was deep and the foam was thick

These WERE the good old days, when people were allowed to have fun without somebody being offended and trying to ruin it for the rest
Imagine having this type of entertainment in "woke" Framingham in the 2020's

I'd like to throw a shout out to my friend Kevin Reed who was the guy tasked with cleaning this mess up every night and took the show on the road